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Can the link to open in a new window?

Q: I have the full version of CU3OX v1.6 Business License. I have the rotating panel in an iFrame on my site. I have three panels with different links. When someone clicks on the panel, I would like the link to open in a new window instead of within the iFrame. How can I do this ?

A: You can use target="_blank" parameter.

TARGET controls where the new document will be displayed when the user follows a link.

There are 4 types for target:
* "_blank" - opens the new document in a new window;
* "_parent" - is used in the situation where a frameset file is nested inside another
frameset file;
* "_self" - puts the new document in the same window and frame as the current document;
* "_top" - loads the linked document in the topmost frame.

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  1. sairam | February 5, 2013

